Paper Flowers
How to Make Paper Flowers
Looking for something to do with the kids while you are stuck inside? Have a pile of old magazines or newspapers that just quite haven’t made it into the recycling bin? Add a pop of color to your home with this fun recycled paper craft!
Supplies Needed:
Paper Clips or floral wire cut in two inch pieces
Beads or buttons

Step-by-Step Instructions
Make one flower or a whole bouquet! Learn how with our simple instructions.
Step 1:
Find and tear out colorful pages from magazines.

Step 2:
Cut magazine pages into squares of different sizes. Each flower will need 3-5 square varying from 2-6 inches.

Step 3:
Fold your square to cut petals:

Fold your square in half diagonally to make a triangle,

Orient the triangle so the fold is at the bottom, keeping your finger in the center of the first fold, make the second fold, folding it in half to make a smaller triangle so the right corner touches the left corner
Your finger should be in the now on the right of the triangle and the bottom of the new fold.
Next fold a smaller triangle by taking the top corner to meet the bottom left.
For the final fold, bring the right side of the triangle to meet the bottom side of the triangle, keep your finger in that right corner.

Turn your triangle 90⁰ so that the narrowest point is at the bottom. Holding the bottom. Cut the widest part of the triangle so that it is rounded. If you cut your petal with a very steep round edge you will reveal longer petals. You can also cut that same spot on an angle to reveal a pointed petal.

Step 4:
Roll one piece of magazine paper into a tube for your flower stem. Add small piece of tape to hold in place.

Step 5:
Make your fastener by unfolding a paper clip so that it is a straight piece of wire. (You can also use a 2 inch piece of floral wire.) Add a bead and fold the wire in half so the bead stays in place in the middle of the wire

Step 6:
Take your unfolded flower petals and poke the ends of fastener through the center or each petal, starting with the smallest petal and ending with the largest petal. Next, poke the fastener through the top of the stem. Flipping the flower over the reveal the back side, fold the ends of the fastener over one another so they lie flat and stay in place.