Mini Mondrian
How to Make A Mini Mondrian
Study the work of Piet Mondrian and his famous Broadway Boogie Woogie. Using elements of music and the architecture of the city, kids will create their own geometric paintings.
Click here to learn about Piet Mondrian and his use of music and architecture!
Supplies Needed:
Primary Colored Acrylic Paint (Red, Blue & Yellow)
White Paper
Pencil & Eraser
Paint Brushes
Glue & Brush

Grid Paper
Colored Paper
Black Marker or Sharpie
Alternate Supplies:
Step-by-Step Instructions
We have a few different methods for making a "Mini Mondrian". Choose which ever works for you!
Mini Mondrian: Method 1
Step 1:
Paint 3 sheets of paper, one red, one blue, one yellow and let dry completely. Instead of paint, you can also use colored construction paper!

Step 2:
Using a ruler, cut two 3x3 inch squares from each color. Then cut the remaining paper lengthwise into 1/2 inch strips.

Step 3:
Using your Digital Grid of Providence Download, or a map of any city, identify the large gridded sections and lay out the 3x3 inch colored squares on top of these areas. Below you can see an example using the city sections created by highway lines.

Step 4:
Next lay out and glue the 1/2 inch colored strips on top of the major highways and roads.

Step 5:
Cut your remaining 1/2 inch colored strips into small squares. Then glue them throughout your piece to represent houses, buildings or cars.

Mini Mondrian: Method 2
Step 1:
Stencil or draw the outline or your favorite animal or shape so it fills up a whole piece of paper. Then trace the pencil outline with black marker and color in your background.
Step 2:
Using a ruler, draw vertical and horizontal lines within the shape.
Step 3:
Color in the spaces created by the lines using primary colors to match Mondrian's style. Make sure to leave some spaces white!

Mini Mondrian: Method 3
Step 1:
Want to get some more practice with math? Use grid paper to create square and rectangle figures.
Step 2:
Let the different colors represent buildings, roads and cars.
Step 3:
Then use the Common Core Perimeter Practice Sheet to find perimeter and area of each location you created!

Piet Mondrian
“Every true artist has been inspired more by the beauty of lines and color and the relationships between them than by the concrete subject of the picture.”
Piet Mondrian is a Dutch painter from the Netherlands. He is well known for his abstract use of primary colors plus black, white, gray, and simple horizontal and vertical lines. However, the artist did not reach his signature style of Neoplasticism instantly as an artist. As a young artist living in the Netherlands and Paris, Mondrain experimented with his work in the style of Impressionism and Cubism. He developed his style through experiences with other famous painters and their signature styles of art. Although he began his work using mostly Impressionism on his pieces, over time, his pieces became more of a simplistic emphasis on movement. After establishing his signature artist profile, he moved to New York. Here, he was inspired to paint his final finished piece called Broadway Boogie Woogie (1942-1943). In this piece, Mondrian transitions his famous black lines into bold colors, still using his primary color niche, to create an upbeat and busy piece that reflects the music of the era and gives resemblance to maps.

Learn a little bit more about Mondrian’s abstract piece Broadway Boogie Woogie and other work here or watch a short video below.
See Mondrian's Broadway Boogie Woogie bring to life the hustle and bustle of busy New York City streets.
Listen to pianist and composer, Jason Moran, describe the musical influence of Piet Mondrian’s Broadway Boogie Woogie.